Securonix specialists have uncovered an unusual cyberattack named CRON#TRAP. The hackers employ a malicious shortcut which, when...
Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice charged two Sudanese citizens with orchestrating cyberattacks and announced measures to...
A new keylogger associated with the North Korean group Andariel was recently uncovered through analysis on the...
Cybersecurity researchers report that the notorious malware framework Winos4.0, previously observed in various cyberattacks, is now being...
The United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has released a report on the malware “Pygmy Goat,”...
A man suspected of orchestrating a major wave of Snowflake breaches has been arrested in Canada. The...
On November 1, True World Holdings LLC, commonly known as True World, notified its employees of a...
LastPass reports a new social engineering campaign targeting its users through fake reviews on the Chrome Web...
The German pharmaceutical distributor AEP, based in Bavaria, has fallen victim to a ransomware attack, potentially leading...
A new entity has emerged on the horizon of cyberspace—Interlock, a group that has developed ransomware specifically...
Google has announced that, for the first time, the corporation’s AI model has detected a memory security...
In recent days, Tor node operators have been inundated with abuse notifications. These alerts concern failed SSH...