On November 1, True World Holdings LLC, commonly known as True World, notified its employees of a cyber incident that had compromised their personal data. The network security breach was recorded on August 23, during which cybercriminals infiltrated the company’s systems and extracted files containing information on current and former employees.
In its official notice, the company did not specify the exact types of personal data stolen, noting that the extent of information varied by individual. An investigation to ascertain the full scope of the breach is ongoing. According to the Attorney General’s office, 8,532 individuals were affected, although True World currently employs around 1,000 people globally.
The company strongly advised impacted employees to remain vigilant for any suspicious activity on their financial accounts and credit reports. Additionally, True World has offered a year of complimentary credit monitoring and identity restoration services. The company also recommended updating credentials and security questions to safeguard financial and other personal accounts.
True World Holdings LLC is an American conglomerate specializing in seafood. Founded in 1976 and based in Rockleigh, New Jersey, it is involved in the production, processing, distribution, and retail of seafood and manages Japanese restaurants and sushi stores. True World Holdings LLC is a subsidiary of One Up Enterprises Inc., which is affiliated with the Unification Church.