The North Korean hacker group Kimsuky continues to escalate its operations, employing increasingly sophisticated techniques to bypass...
Phan Kenny
Truesec specialists have revealed the emergence of a new cybercriminal group, Cicada3301, which, operating under the RaaS...
GitHub is being exploited to disseminate the Lumma Stealer under the guise of fake patches, posted as...
In recent years, cyberattacks have emerged as a significant threat to German companies, with their frequency rising...
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has mandated that Verkada, a company specializing in surveillance cameras, develop...
North Korean hackers are exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Google Chrome to gain control over systems and...
On August 27, 2024, JAS, a global logistics operator, encountered a ransomware cyberattack that disrupted its business...
Recently, FortiGuard Labs, the research division of Fortinet, detected a new phishing campaign distributing malware via an...
In the first half of 2024, Europe faced a sharp increase in the number of cyberattacks linked...
Researchers at BforeAI have uncovered a large-scale phishing campaign targeting international pizza chains, resulting in significant financial...
On August 24, the Steam platform experienced a sudden outage, leading to widespread complaints from players around...
Hackers are employing malware disguised as the Palo Alto GlobalProtect tool, which can steal data and execute...