Amid the increasing frequency of natural disasters, such as hurricanes “Helen,” “Milton,” and other catastrophic events, the...
Phan Kenny
Cybersecurity researcher Marcus Hutchins, known as MalwareTech, has released an automated scanner designed to detect vulnerable Linux...
In September, Apple released a new version of its computer operating system—macOS 15, known as Sequoia. However,...
In 2024, the number of active ransomware groups surged by 30%, as confirmed by the annual report...
Researchers from GitGuardian have discovered that after a Docker image is deleted, its layers may continue to...
Researchers at NetbyteSec have uncovered a new wave of activity by the LemonDuck malware, which exploits the...
Hackers claim that the company Dr.Web has fallen victim to a cyberattack, during which they allegedly breached...
Medical institutions in the United States have fallen victim to a new ransomware known as Trinity. According...
Microsoft has released a security update as part of its Patch Tuesday initiative, addressing 118 vulnerabilities, two...
Over the next five years, a significant increase in e-commerce fraud is anticipated due to the widespread...
Mark Sokolovsky has admitted his guilt in participating in the campaign to distribute the Raccoon Stealer malware....
A new wave of attacks involving a modified variant of Mirai, named GorillaBot, has triggered over 300,000...