Apple’s newly launched iPad Pro series this year not only features the M4 chip but also boasts a groundbreaking highlight: the ultra-precise XDR Retina display equipped with advanced dual-layer OLED technology, making the iPad Pro series thinner. The 13-inch and 11-inch models are only 5.1mm and 5.3mm thick, respectively. According to a report from wccftech, the M4 iPad Pro series is rumored to be merely the beginning of Apple’s “slimming plan” for its devices. Future Apple products, including the iPhone and MacBook Pro series, are expected to have even lighter and thinner bodies.
The report indicates that this information stems from the latest edition of the “Power On” newsletter by Mark Gurman. The editor mentioned that the standard versions of the iPhone 16 series will feature L-shaped batteries, suggesting that L-shaped batteries will become a standard feature in the iPhone series once this lineup is launched. Considering Apple‘s history of internal design improvements for iPhones, it appears that the company has consistently aimed to make the iPhone series thinner. Additionally, Mark Gurman noted that the iPhone 17 will adopt an even slimmer design, with Apple also planning to apply thinner body designs to future MacBook Pro and Apple Watch models.
However, wccftech expressed concerns in the report, mentioning that the thinner body of the M4 iPad Pro series makes it more prone to bending. Adopting a lighter and thinner design is bound to reduce the structural integrity of the device. Moreover, the lightweight design is more likely to cause overheating issues, leading to rumors that Apple is currently developing a graphene cooling system for future iPhone models.
Following tradition, the iPhone 16 series is expected to launch this September. It is said that this series will use higher energy density batteries, feature a new “camera island” design, include A18 and A18 Pro processors, and run the iOS 18 system with built-in AI capabilities.