SK Hynix has announced the launch of its next-generation GDDR7 memory, boasting the highest performance in the world. This new memory chip achieves unparalleled speed and energy efficiency, making it ideal for applications in high-performance graphics, artificial intelligence (AI), high-performance computing (HPC), and autonomous driving.
SK Hynix stated, “The development of GDDR7 in March comes amid growing interest by global customers in the AI space in the DRAM product that meets both specialized performance for graphics processing and fast speed.”
The GDDR7 prepared by SK Hynix reaches a rate of 32Gbps, over 60% faster than the previous generation, with potential rates of up to 40Gbps depending on the usage environment. Alongside the increased speed, GDDR7’s energy efficiency has improved by more than 50% compared to its predecessor.
To address the heat generated by ultra-high-speed data processing, SK Hynix employed new packaging technology in the development of GDDR7. The heat-dissipating substrate used for packaging was increased from four layers to six, and a high thermal conductivity epoxy molding compound (EMC) was incorporated into the packaging materials. This not only maintained the same product size but also successfully reduced the thermal resistance of GDDR7 by 74% compared to the previous generation.
Through GDDR7, SK Hynix aims to further strengthen its high-end memory product line and become the most trusted AI memory solution provider for its customers.