Laptops equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite/Plus will officially launch on June 18, with numerous manufacturers already initiating pre-sale activities. As the release date approaches, Qualcomm has unveiled detailed information about the integrated Adreno X1 GPU.
According to VideoCardz, the Adreno X1 is the first-generation integrated graphics card for the Snapdragon X series SoCs, designed for Windows on ARM. The “1” signifies the generation, indicating that the next iteration will be named similarly, such as Adreno X2. The Adreno X1 is available in several configurations, with the highest being “X1-85,” where “8” denotes the GPU tier and “5” represents the SKU.
The Adreno X1 boasts up to 6 shader cores, totaling 1536 FP32 ALUs, capable of processing 96 texture units per cycle, delivering a peak performance of 4.6 TFLOPS, and handling 72 million pixels per second. It supports major graphics APIs, including DirectX 12.1 (Shader Model 6.7), DirectX 11, Vulkan 1.3, and OpenCL 3.0.
Qualcomm also provided a comparison between the Adreno X1-85 and Intel Core Ultra 7 155H, though they did not disclose the complete specifications of the reference platform. All games tested were set to 1080P resolution, and Qualcomm claims that the Adreno X1-85 matches or even surpasses the Core Ultra 7 155H in several games, although specific game settings and platform details were not provided.
Additionally, Qualcomm introduced the “Adreno Control Panel,” an application dedicated to game optimization and driver updates, promising monthly updates. This functionality is akin to features offered by other GPU vendors and is crucial for new GPU architectures.