The hacker group Kimsuky, linked to North Korea, has once again come under scrutiny following a series...
RunZero, a company renowned for its cybersecurity solutions, has unveiled a new tool called SSHamble, designed to...
At the Black Hat 2024 conference, currently taking place in Las Vegas (August 7-8), security researcher Alon...
Security researchers from SonarSource have unveiled vulnerabilities in Roundcube webmail software that could be exploited to execute...
Cisco has alerted users to the presence of several vulnerabilities in the web management interface of the...
The U.S. Department of State has announced a reward of up to $10 million for information regarding...
The ransomware formerly known as Royal has rebranded and now operates under the name BlackSuit. Within the...
A new report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) has revealed that the Chinese government is...
The research team at ReasonLabs has identified a new large-scale campaign spreading Trojan malware through browser extensions....
A United States federal district court has ruled that Google illegally maintained a monopoly in the online...
European data protection regulators have announced the termination of the TikTok Lite Rewards program in the European...
A new vulnerability has been discovered in Apache OFBiz, allowing attackers to remotely execute code on vulnerable...