The RPG game “Final Fantasy XVI,” developed by Square Enix, was released on June 22, 2023. According...
In March of this year, JEDEC released the JES239 Graphics Double Data Rate 7 (GDDR7) standard, which...
In 2023, Intel introduced the second generation of its deep learning chip, Gaudi 2, designed for AI...
Recently, ASUS introduced a new addition to its TUF Gaming series, named “TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 4070...
If players wish to play PlayStation 3 games now, they need to do so through the corresponding...
Recently, ASUS unveiled new all-white graphics cards, namely the Dual GeForce RTX 4070 EVO White and the...
In recent years, numerous hardware manufacturers have introduced their own Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, establishing...
Recently, Gigabyte introduced the new RTX 4070 Ti SUPER WINDFORCE MAX graphics card. The most significant difference...
Generally speaking, system upgrades for Meta Quest headsets are rather unobtrusive. Often, after taking off the headset...
At Computex 2024, AMD unveiled its Ryzen 9000 desktop processors, codenamed Granite Ridge, based on the Zen...
On the evening of May 7, 2024, Apple held a special event titled “Let Loose,” where they...
Recently, AMD updated the ROCm software stack, releasing the new iteration, ROCm 6.1.3. This version enhances support...