The Special Cyber Investigations Division of the National Police Agency of Japan, in collaboration with law enforcement from nine prefectures, arrested 26-year-old Yuta Kobayashi on suspicion of large-scale fraud involving computer systems. The total damage exceeded 100 million yen (over $666,000).
The investigation revealed that a criminal organization led by Kobayashi had been laundering money through the cryptocurrency Monero. Japanese police managed to track the suspect by analyzing transactions in this cryptocurrency.
According to the investigation, in June and July of 2021, the perpetrators posted non-existent goods on the Mercari marketplace. Using stolen credit card information, the group executed 42 fraudulent transactions, resulting in the marketplace operator transferring more than 2.75 million yen (~$18,000) to the fraudsters.
The group’s criminal activities spanned from June 2021 to January 2022, during which approximately 900 illegal transactions were conducted. The credit card information was allegedly obtained through phishing websites and fake emails.
As of now, law enforcement has detained 18 members of the criminal group. Recruitment of new members was carried out through “shadow job” ads on social media, with communication conducted via encrypted messaging platforms.
The Special Cyber Investigations Division, established in April 2024, joined the investigation in August. Kobayashi’s identity was uncovered through his messaging correspondence with accomplices and the analysis of cryptocurrency movements.