MoneyGram has confirmed that a September cyberattack led to the exposure of customers’ personal data and transaction details to malicious actors. The incident occurred on September 20, after which the company’s website and mobile application remained offline for about a week.
At present, the investigation is still in its early stages, and the company has yet to determine the exact number of affected users.
The stolen data includes:
- Names;
- Phone numbers;
- Postal and email addresses;
- Dates of birth.
In certain cases, hackers accessed Social Security numbers (SSN), copies of government-issued documents such as driver’s licenses, and other personal information, including utility bills and bank account numbers. The types of data stolen vary from individual to individual.
Additionally, it has been revealed that hackers obtained transaction information, such as dates and amounts of transfers. A small number of users also had data related to investigations, including fraud cases, exposed. MoneyGram has already notified British regulators of the data breach.