On January 1, 2025, Lithuania officially launched its Cyber Command (LTCYBERCOM), an initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of National Defense. This newly established unit of the Lithuanian Armed Forces is tasked with planning and executing operations in cyberspace, as well as deploying strategic and operational communication and information systems. It will ensure compatibility with NATO systems, national defense infrastructure, and other government entities.
According to Deputy Minister Tomas Godliauskas, Cyber Command plays a pivotal role in coordinating military planning and actions within the digital domain, a practice already widely adopted by NATO countries. He emphasized that bolstering cyber defense and efficiently managing incidents in this sphere are essential steps in countering emerging threats and strengthening national security.
The organizational structure of Cyber Command comprises the Command Headquarters, the Kristupas Radvila Perkūnas Communications Battalion, and the Cyber Command Information Technology Service, which was established through the reorganization of the Ministry of Defense’s IT department.
The IT department’s reform consolidated the capabilities of the National Defense under the management of Cyber Command. Some functions were transferred to the National Cyber Security Center and the Ministry of Defense’s Central State Telecommunication Center.
The National Cyber Security Center will continue to serve as the agency responsible for national cyber defense. The establishment of Cyber Command was approved in July 2024 by the Lithuanian Seimas following amendments to the law governing the structure of the armed forces.