Mirroring Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite processor-powered Snapdragon Dev Kit for Windows, designed for “Copilot + PC,” Intel unveiled a developer kit based on its “Lunar Lake” laptop processor at the Technology Tour! event preceding Computex 2024.
This NUC-style developer kit, equipped with the “Lunar Lake” processor and a comprehensive array of ports, empowers developers to create diverse applications tailored to the “Lunar Lake” architecture.
While featuring a dedicated “AI” button on the front, Intel has not assigned a specific function to it, allowing developers to customize its purpose according to their service requirements. Potential uses include invoking the Windows Copilot service or providing rapid access to specific AI services.
Intel has significantly enhanced the AI capabilities of the “Lunar Lake” processor, achieving a combined computational power of 120 TOPS across CPU, GPU, and NPU. Collaborating with numerous software vendors, the processor supports over 500 AI model frameworks, including Intel’s OpenVINO, Hugging Face’s open-source models, and mainstream resources like ONNX and PyTorch, enabling a broad range of AI applications.
This developer kit not only fosters the development of AI applications but also allows OEMs and ODMs to design diverse hardware devices utilizing the “Lunar Lake” processor, extending beyond thin and light laptops.