Previously, we reported on the Core Ultra 5 238V, and recently, according to VideoCardz, insiders have revealed more detailed specifications for Intel’s Core Ultra 200V series processors. The Ultra 200V series will comprise nine models, with the highest-end being the Ultra 9 288V and the lowest the Ultra 5 226V. All models will be equipped with LPDDR5X memory, and their NPUs will provide over 40 TOPS of AI performance. The detailed specifications are as follows:
The Ultra 200V series maintains the 5/7/9 tier system. The Ultra 9 288V is the only model with a PL1 rating of 30W, while the remaining models have a PL1 rating of 17W. In terms of cache, the Ultra 9 and Ultra 7 processors feature 12MB of LLC cache, whereas the Ultra 5 processors have 8MB. Due to the adoption of MoP memory integration design, the Ultra 7 and Ultra 5 processors are available in models with 32GB and 16GB memory, distinguished by the digits “8” and “6” respectively.
Intel has also renamed the integrated graphics in the Ultra 200V series to align more closely with their discrete graphics naming convention. They are categorized as Arc 140V and Arc 130V. The Ultra 9 and Ultra 7 processors are equipped with Arc 140V integrated graphics, while the Ultra 5 processors come with Arc 130V graphics. Regarding NPU performance, the Ultra 9 processors offer 48 TOPS, the Ultra 7 models provide either 48 TOPS or 47 TOPS, and the Ultra 5 models deliver 40 TOPS, meeting or exceeding Microsoft’s previous requirement of 40 TOPS.
According to earlier reports, devices featuring Intel’s Lunar Lake processors are expected to be available by late September, at which point we will see the true capabilities of these processors.