According to Intel’s previously announced plans, the next-generation Arrow Lake processors are set to be launched within 2024, with both P-Core and E-Core upgraded to the new Lion Cove and Skymont architectures, respectively. Arrow Lake will expand across multiple sub-platforms, encompassing desktop and laptop products, with “S” designated for desktops using the LGA 1851 socket, “HX” for high-performance gaming laptops, “H” for high-performance notebooks, and “U” for low-power mobile devices.
Recent leaks from test platforms reported by Wccftech suggest that Intel may increase the base frequency of the Arrow Lake processors, potentially exceeding initial expectations. This includes the 24-core Arrow Lake-S, the 24-core Arrow Lake-HX, and the 16-core Arrow Lake-H.
The 24-core Arrow Lake-S boasts a base frequency of 3.6 GHz, surpassing the Raptor Lake-S Refresh (Core i9-14900K) at 3.2 GHz, the Raptor Lake-S (Core i9-13900K) at 3.0 GHz, and the Alder Lake-S (Core i9-12900K) also at 3.2 GHz; the 24-core Arrow Lake-HX features a base frequency of 3.0 GHz, higher than the Raptor Lake-HX Refresh (Core i9-14900K) at 2.2 GHz; and the 16-core Arrow Lake-H has a base frequency of 3.5 GHz, exceeding that of Meteor Lake-H (Core Ultra 9 185H) at 2.3 GHz.
The latest updates indicate that the K series within the desktop-oriented Arrow Lake-S and the Z890 motherboards are anticipated to be released in October. With Intel scheduled to host the Innovation 2024 summit on September 24-25 in San Jose, California, this event will likely be the venue for unveiling the new generation of Core desktop processors. The more widely used non-K series and B860/H810 motherboards are expected to debut following CES 2025 in January of the next year.