Google continues to enhance the security mechanisms of Android applications by introducing an update to the Google Play Integrity API. This interface allows developers to verify that interactions and server requests originate from the authentic binary of their app, running on a genuine Android device.
The Google Play Integrity API checks whether the app has been tampered with, operates in a “trusted” software environment, and whether Google Play Protect is enabled on the device. Essentially, Play Integrity is the successor to SafetyNet Attestation, but it offers a more comprehensive set of features for developers.
Developers can invoke the Play Integrity API at any point during the app’s operation, receive an “integrity verdict,” and make decisions based on that information. Some applications verify integrity at launch and may entirely block access depending on the result, while others perform the check only before executing critical actions, alerting users to potential risks.
The latest API update provides developers with a new tool to combat sideloading — the installation of apps outside the official Google Play Store. Now, apps can easily determine whether the user who installed them is “genuine,” meaning whether the app was officially acquired.
When the API detects that an app was not installed via the Play Store, it can trigger a GET_LICENSED dialog box. The user is prompted to “get this app from Play” to continue using it. Upon agreement, the user is redirected to the app’s Play Store page, where instead of the usual “Install” button, “Install from Play” is displayed. After confirmation, the unofficial version is removed along with its data, and the new version is added to the user’s library, allowing future updates.
The introduction of this feature has both advantages and drawbacks. It enhances security for regular users by protecting them from potentially unsafe actions. However, it also complicates the experience for advanced users who prefer more control over their devices.
The Play Integrity API is already in use by many popular applications, including Stripe, Uber, and TikTok. Some games, such as Tesco and BeyBlade X, have already implemented the feature to check the legitimacy of installations. It is expected that more applications will adopt the new API capabilities.
It is worth noting that developers have previously had ways to detect sideloading, but the new API update significantly simplifies the implementation of such checks. In the long term, this could make it more difficult for users to install apps outside the official Google Play Store.
As Google continues to strengthen Play Integrity’s detection mechanisms and add new features, it becomes increasingly challenging for advanced users to justify rooting their Android devices. At the same time, regular users will benefit from greater protection against potentially risky or fraudulent activities.
Google is evolving the Play Integrity API as part of its broader strategy to bolster the security of the Android ecosystem and protect the interests of app developers. It is anticipated that more applications will integrate this technology in the future to ensure the safety and protection of their users.