The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in India has detained 26 suspected organizers of illegal call centers operating in four Indian cities, whose employees defrauded citizens across the globe, including in the United States. This information was obtained from sources within the agency.
Under the internal codename Operation Chakra-III, CBI conducted raids on 32 locations in Pune, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, and Ahmedabad on September 26. The operation was based on intelligence provided by U.S. authorities. As a result of the raids, cash amounting to 58.45 lakh rupees (approximately $69,600), electronic devices, three luxury cars, and other pieces of evidence were seized. The call centers are believed to have been operational since June of this year.
During the raids, CBI also apprehended 170 individuals involved in the fraudulent activities. The cybercriminals would make phone calls, impersonate technical support services, and convince citizens, primarily from the U.S., that their devices had been compromised. Victims were falsely informed that their identification data had been stolen and that unauthorized transactions were occurring on their bank accounts. They were also told that they were under surveillance by investigative authorities due to suspicious orders.
The criminals then persuaded the victims to transfer their funds to “secure” bank accounts, ostensibly to safeguard their savings. In some instances, the cybercriminals resorted to intimidation, demanding that the money be transferred via international gift cards or cryptocurrency.
According to the investigation, the accused defrauded three American citizens of a total of $55,000. One victim was deceived into believing that their financial transactions were under review by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Another victim was instructed to transfer $15,000 to a specially created cryptocurrency wallet. The fraudsters also used remote access software to transfer money from the victims’ accounts.
The authorities confiscated 951 pieces of evidence, including electronic devices, financial records, communication logs, and other materials related to the alleged criminals’ operations. The maximum combined prison sentence for those arrested could be up to 10 years, along with fines. The final decision on the sentences and penalties will be determined by the court, taking into account all aspects of the case.