In July of this year, Trend Micro uncovered a cyberattack on Taiwanese government structures, allegedly linked to...
In the realm of cybersecurity, threats are constantly evolving, with malicious actors devising new methods to target...
Researchers from Unit 42 have uncovered a new malicious campaign orchestrated by the North Korean group Gleaming...
During an ethical hacking competition in China held late last year, participants were allowed to operate within...
Europol, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies across Europe and Latin America, conducted a successful operation to...
Cybersecurity experts are increasingly gathering information about suspected criminals from unexpected sources—vast troves of compromised credentials, browser...
The Iranian hacker group UNC1860, allegedly linked to the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), continues...
The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released a new report examining the data collection and...
The cybercriminal group TeamTNT has resurfaced, launching a new cryptojacking campaign targeting servers running the CentOS operating...
Criminal groups across Europe are increasingly exploiting QR code fraud (known as quishing) to deceive tourists. Researchers...
CISA and the FBI have urged technology companies to reassess their software development processes to prevent the...
During a large-scale operation codenamed “Final Exchange,” German law enforcement authorities shut down 47 illegal cryptocurrency exchanges....