The company 23andMe, renowned for its genetic testing services, finds itself in a precarious situation. Its shares...
The Check Point Research (CPR) team has uncovered a malicious crypto-drainer application on Google Play, designed to...
Microsoft has identified a new hacker group, tracked under the identifier Storm-0501. Previously, this group collaborated with...
Kaspersky Lab has announced that two hacktivist groups—Twelve and BlackJack—may be operating within the same structure. According...
The phishing platform Sniper Dz is responsible for creating over 140,000 phishing websites this year. Palo Alto...
The United States Department of Justice has charged three Iranian hackers, allegedly involved in a cyberattack on...
In 2023, over 6,500 ransomware attacks were recorded, affecting a record-breaking 117 countries. This surge followed a...
Researchers at Palo Alto Networks have detected new activity from the North Korean hacker group Kimsuky, which...
North Korean hackers working for state-affiliated entities launched a cyberattack on the German defense company Diehl Defence,...
In the United Kingdom, 39-year-old Robert Westbrook has been arrested, accused of hacking into five public companies...
Republicans in the U.S. Congress have formally requested the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Securities...
Russian-speaking users have become the target of a new cyberattack, deploying the DCRat trojan (also known as...