ASUS has announced the launch of the Dual GeForce RTX 4060 V3 8GB GDDR6 graphics card. This marks the third iteration of the GeForce RTX 4060 in their Dual series, featuring a new heatsink design. While the size remains similar to the V2 version, the new model sports a sleeker heatsink appearance, and smaller fans, and comes in both standard and OC versions.
The overall dimensions of the Dual GeForce RTX 4060 V3 8GB GDDR6 are 202 x 120 x 40.1 mm, showing negligible differences from the previous version’s 202.2 x 120.3 x 40.1 mm. It employs a dual-fan cooling solution with two axial-tech fans, utilizing dual ball fan bearings. These fans have smaller hubs, allowing for longer blades and a barrier ring to increase downward air pressure. The card supports 0dB technology, stopping the fans when the GPU temperature is below 50°C and power consumption is low, enabling gamers to enjoy light gaming in a relatively quiet environment. An enhanced aluminum backplate fortifies the card’s structural integrity, helping to prevent bending and effectively protecting components.
The graphics card offers dual BIOS functionality, with performance and quiet modes. In performance mode, the standard and OC versions have boost clocks of 2490/2535 MHz, respectively; in quiet mode, the boost clocks are 2460/2505 MHz. Additionally, users can adjust and monitor the card using the GPU Tweak III software.
The new graphics card is manufactured using ASUS’s Auto-Extreme technology, an automated manufacturing process that completes all soldering in a single pass. This reduces thermal strain on components and eliminates the need for harsh cleaning chemicals. This technology reduces environmental impact, lowers production power consumption, and produces more reliable products.