Although many manufacturers have released Windows laptops equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite, these devices are currently in a pre-order state. However, according to a report by Tom’s Hardware, some users have already received them ahead of time and conducted preliminary tests.
Reddit user caponica23 ran benchmarking applications like Geekbench and CrystalDiskMark on his Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge, along with some subjective battery life and gaming tests. This laptop, featuring the Snapdragon X Elite, scored 1829 for single-core and 11379 for multi-core while on battery power. When connected to the power adapter, the single-core score increased to 1841, and the multi-core score reached 11537. Resident Evil Village, under 1080P high settings with FSR performance mode, only achieved 40-50fps with significant frame drops.
caponica23 also noted that during the GeekBench tests, the CPU frequency never exceeded 2.5GHz, whereas the Snapdragon X Elite is supposed to reach up to 4.0GHz or even higher.
However, a few hours after Tom’s Hardware’s report, we found in the latest reply to caponica23’s post that he had received a Samsung update. He mentioned that after the update, the frame rate in games under the same settings could increase to 60-100fps, even on battery power. Yet, the CPU scores remained unchanged, with the frequency still not surpassing 2.5GHz.
On the other hand, Twitter user INIYSA (@lafaiel) also recently discovered (about three hours ago) that new benchmark scores for the Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge had been uploaded to the Geekbench database, showing a single-core score of 2855 and a multi-core score of 15279. This result aligns with the scores Qualcomm presented at their launch event: single-core 2977 and multi-core 15086. This improvement is likely due to the system update.
Considering the substantial performance boost brought by the firmware update, if you have pre-ordered a Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite laptop, please ensure to perform a system update as soon as you receive it.