Researchers from the GOLIAT project have developed and implemented a novel protocol for measuring levels of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) emissions from mobile phones, including those operating on 5G networks. The study examined the impact of various usage scenarios: airplane mode, intensive data upload, and download activities.
The experiments were conducted in Switzerland, one of the first European nations to deploy 5G on a wide scale. Measurements took place in two cities—Zurich and Basel—as well as in three rural settlements. Scientists assessed exposure levels across diverse microenvironments, including residential and industrial areas, schools, parks, and public transportation systems.
Specialized equipment was employed for the study, consisting of a backpack with a personal exposure meter and a mobile device equipped with sensors to monitor emitted power. Over 30,000 data points were analyzed. In airplane mode, the primary source of emissions remained base stations. In rural areas, the average RF-EMF level was 0.17 mW/m², compared to 0.33 mW/m² in Basel and 0.48 mW/m² in Zurich. The highest levels were observed in business districts and public transport, yet even these remained hundreds of times below international safety thresholds.
When downloading large files, emission levels rose significantly to 6–7 mW/m², attributed to beamforming technology, a method used by 5G stations to enhance signal efficiency.
The peak RF-EMF levels were recorded during data uploads, as mobile devices transmitted large files. In urban areas, the levels reached 16 mW/m², while in rural settings they surged to 29 mW/m². This disparity was explained by the lower density of base stations in rural areas, leading to reduced signal quality and forcing phones to operate at higher power levels.
Researchers noted that the actual exposure levels could be higher, as the phone in the experiments was placed 30 cm from the measuring device. In real-world scenarios, users typically hold devices closer to their bodies, amplifying exposure levels by several magnitudes.
The study concluded that in areas with low base station density, ambient emissions are lower, but mobile devices compensate by operating at greater power, increasing overall RF-EMF exposure. Contrary to expectations, exposure levels may be higher in regions with fewer towers.
This pioneering study provides unprecedentedly detailed data on 5G emissions. Future measurements are planned in nine European countries to monitor population exposure as the technology continues to proliferate.